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সর্ব-শেষ হাল-নাগাদ: ১২ মে ২০১৬

মাঠ পরিচালন

The Field Operation Division undertake a variety of tasks related to the Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation of activities and performance of Upazila offices. The Department will be responsible for collecting, compiling and analyzing the result and financial and physical performance of field offices and field staff to present/ submit the findings in a positive, professional, honest and punctual manner to the authority concern.


> Policy planning

> Program planning

> Designing & Redesigning

> Plan & Target

> Monitoring

> Supervision

> Implementation

> Achieving Targets

> Sustainability of PDBF


1. Preparation of Credit Delivery Policies and Plans:

* Prepare various strategic policies and guidelines

* Prepare short term plans (annual) and long term plans (growth & expansion)

* Getting strategic policies and plans approved by appropriate authority

* Assess the effectiveness of existing credit and service delivery methods, mechanisms and policies.

* Assess the effectiveness of existing products and services, and productivity of field staff.

* Plan and Suggest of offering for new products and services for the clients/ beneficiaries/ field staff.

* Plan, Suggest and Develop incentive schemes for staff productivity and improved performance of all product/services.

* Plan & Suggest performance benchmark/standard for staff & all field offices(Branch/Region).

* Assess, Propose targets of loan disbursement, collection of repayment and mobilization of members saving for each region/ branch on a monthly, quarterly and yearly basis.


2. Review & Monitoring of Program Performance:

* Review & Ensure achievement of physical performance: Past year and current year.

* Review and Appraise achievements of annual plans and targets.

* Revise and Recast annual plans, policies and targets as wanted.


3. Monitoring, Feedback & Reporting

* Monitor Implementation of major policy decisions and undertake corrective measures.

* Supervise and Guide HQ & Field staffs and Visit to ensure quality growth of credit program/ portfolio

* Feedback & Report to appropriate Authority on various key issues and field performance and financial sustainability.


4. Management of Divisional Human & Financial Resources

* Review and Ensure optimum utilization of both human resources (transfer, posting, incentives, rewards, punishment) as well as Financial Resources.

* Review, Adjust, Supervise and Ensure optimum working conditions and environment (both physical, financial &non-financial) and productivity of field divisional staff at a cost effective manner.


5. Vision and Leadership

* Promote PDBF”s vision and mission

* Achieving 100%+ sustainability of PDBF

* Translate PDBF goals and objectives into reality

* Turn PDBF as a unique model of socio economic development



A. Preparation of Annual Plans/ Targets

* Review previous year performance of regional & upajila level and finalized.

* Prepare primary target for current year

* Setting Region wise Targets and Plans

* Develop Expansion and Growth Plan

* Growth of Individual Productivity.


B. Program Supervision, Monitoring and Reporting

* Regular Field visit

* Follow-up Branch and Regional Activities (Weekly, Monthly, Quarterly & Annual based)

* Provide Feedback & Reports to the concern authority

* Monitor target & achievement status

* Ensure achievement of plans & targets both Physical & Financial

* Monitoring of target clients and their activities from time to time.

* Monitoring and checking that the loans are utilized for the purpose it is sanctioned & disbursed.

* Monitoring of Credit Discipline in all activities of the members and staffs at all levels.

* Travelling extensively in the field for physical monitoring, verification, authentication of all field performance.

* Attending meeting, workshops in the field levels as and when required.


C. Review Program Performances

* Attend monthly UDBO review meeting at regional level.

* Review branch wise performance and provide guide line.

* Arrange quarterly DD conference to review performance

* Provide Supports & Guidance to Field Staff.

* Ensure logistic & financial support the region

* Ensure growth of Individual Productivity.

* Ensure Sustainability of every cost unit.


D. Evaluation of Loan Portfolio and Staff Productivity:

* Evaluate the performances of all Field Staff and Categorizing them for preparing a specific action plan for each category of staff.

* Evaluating and Tracking of performance of all levels of field staff and their functional units(Region/ Branches/ Societies).

* Evaluate Field Requirement at the level Branch office and Regional office and suggest appropriate plan of action to retain optimum number of staff and or get rid of access/ non-performing/ under utilized /unproductive staffs the time passes and needs.

* Evaluate and Analyze all kind of financials statement for monitoring and control purpose.

* Evaluate deviations/ variance of performance and productivity ratios and help to improve performance.

* Evaluate performance of Region/ Branches to attain financial staff sustainability at progressive rate as per plan & target.

* Evaluate &verify all required report and statements from the branch/Regions and compile them for analysis and presentation to management and other concerned fields/forum.


E. Staffing and Recommendations

* Recommendation for staff Recruitment, transfer & posting.

* Initiate disciplinary action.

* Recommendation for staff Performance assessment

* Recommendation for staff promotion and development

* Ensure Reward & Punishment.


F. Initiatives for new Products and Services

* Make plan for new innovative products and Services

* Designing Product Features

* Strategy set up for implementation

* Monitoring and Evaluation


Divisional Personnel:

Field Operation Division consist of senior personnel of Head Office under this Department leaded by a Director, beside this Regional and Upazila level staffs are controlled by Field Operation Department.


Head Office:


Additional Director

Joint Director

Deputy Director (Admin) Deputy Director (SELP) Deputy Director (Audit)

Senior Assistant Director (Monitoring) Senior Assistant Director (Micro Credit)

Messenger Deputy Assistant Director

Office of the Deputy Director

Deputy Director

Senior Assistant Director (Micro Credit) Senior Assistant Director (SELP)

Assistant Director (Accounts)

Deputy Assistant Director IT Officer Data Entry Officer

Messenger Night Guard

Office of the Upazila Daridro Bimochon Officer (UDBO)

Upazila Daridro Bimochon Officer

Assistant Daridro Bimochon Officer (Micro Credit) Assistant Daridro Bimochon Officer (SELP)

Field Organizer Field Officer Senior Field Officer Messenger

Service/ Product Delivery:

> Micro Credit

> Small Enterprise Loan Program (SELP)

> IGA Implimentation

> Savings:

* General Savings

* Sonali Shanchoy Scheme (SSS)

* Fixed Deposit Scheme (FDS)

Process of Service/Product Delivery:

> Micro Credit:

* Member Identification

* Member Enrollment

* Society Formation

* IGA Selection

* Loan Application

* Loan Approval

* Loan Disbursement

* IGA Implementation

* Loan Collection

* Savings Collection & Deposit

> Small Enterprise Loan Program (SELP):

* Area selection

* Enterprise/ Trade selection

* Entrepreneur selection

* Granter selection

* Loan Application

* Loan Appraisal

* Loan Processing

* Loan Approval

* Loan Disbursement

* Loan Collection

* Savings Collection & Deposit

Monitoring Process:

> Pass Book

> Weekly Collection Form (WCF)

> Weekly Form-2 (WF-2)

> Weekly Form-1 (WF-1)

> WCF Summary (Top Sheet)

> Monthly Performance Management Information Systems (PMIS)

> Reconciliation of WF-1 & PMIS

> Validation between PMIS & GLP Data

> Generation of Data from Individual Member to IT Department of PDBF



1. Member

2. Loan member

3. Loan Disbursement

4. Loan Recoverable

5. Loan Recovered

6. Loan Recovery Rate (%)

7. Saving’s Balance:

> GS



8. Portfolio

9. Loan Arrear Balance

10. % of clean portfolio

11. Total Arrear/ Portfolio Ratio

12. Savings/ Portfolio ratio

13. Operational Self Sufficiency (%)

14. Total self Sufficiency

Field operation is one of the most important Division of Palli Daridro Bimochon Foundation (PDBF). Field Operation department plays an vital role for income generation by which meet up the all operational expenses of PDBF. All sorts of credit and savings management, monitoring and supervision activities are controlled by this Department. The main aims to make PDBF a 100% plus self sufficient organization, Field Operation Department working continuously to achieve the goal and already it has been achieved successfully. Good governance, Transparency, Accountability are the determining factor for achieving desired performance which is practiced in PDBF and Field operation Division also.